

YART DAY 5 - Gentse Feesten

dinsdag 18 juli 2023 15:30 - 03:30

Broei will be hosting their own stage at the Gentse Feesten again - YART.

We go back to the shadow of our old home Geraard de Duivelsteen for 10 days of TALK, PERFORM & PLAY.


Line up:

TALK (17U) - Inside Out by Broeinest, Blikkenwerpers & Studio Macho

Wat kan groepscoaching betekenen? Wat kan Broeinest vzw voor jou betekenen? Broeinest vzw wil het taboe rond groepscoaching doorbreken. Op het podium delen jongvolwassenen hun mening over deze manier van zoeken naar jezelf. we krijgen bovendien bezoek van Volzin, zij gaat in gesprek met Sofie over het oprichten van deze specifieke manier van werken aan mentaal welzijn. De jonge makers van Blikkenwerpers zetten deze verhalen om in een beeld. Vervolgens wordt elk verhaal in beeldvorm op een bandana's gezeefdrukt door Studio Macho.

PERFORM (19U) - Journey of yoga ft. WLC

JOY is yoga teacher Lauren Cloetens who takes you into the wonderful world of Jivamukti yoga. After living in Barcelona for several years, she brought the yoga style that was still relatively unknown in Belgium, which she picked up there, to Ghent. Since then, Lauren has taught the style at various yoga studios in Ghent and organizes workshops and retreats. In no time JOY has grown into a close-knit community and understanding in the Ghent yoga scene.

Belgium based & Mexico spiced vinyl junkie WLC knows how to find the groove. As
WeZienWel prophet he likes to think outside the box and take you on a cultural journey.
Travel with him and you'll see how far we go. Fasten your seatbelts and check his releases on We Play House Recordings & WeZienWel records! A citoyen du monde who knows the recipe of an allnight experience and extended dj sets.

Sign up for the yoga session here:


Peaceful, smart and straightforward, SUWI makes music that appeals to the imagination and leaves you in a haze of pink and blue. As a counter-reaction to the hectic pace and chaos of modern life, SUWI creates simple structures, airy melodies and breathing grooves.

PLAY II (22U30) - Sarah Abd Ali (live)

Sarah Abd Ali (aka Rêve bleu) lives and works in Brussels. She is a visual artist and musician, loves machines and melancholy, and is inspired by many influences. Ambient, EBM, synthpop, techno, disco, R&B, post-punk, … As long as it shines, echoes and waves - Sarah has a soft spot for everything that has to do with water, sun, sea and waves.

PLAY II (1U) - Manon (dj)

Combining old and new, MANON delivers energetic sets with a hint of melancholy.A steady groove, driving percussion and occasionally some break beat sounds are the foundation of a bass & rhythm heavy sound that’s addictively mysterious & mysteriously intoxicating.