




  • prijs 16-30 jaar
    € 10

  • prijs 30+
    € 15

  • UiTPAS kansentarief
    € 3

zaterdag 30 september 2023 12:00 - 15:00

Jonas Minnaert is a photographer who likes to keep busy. His inspiration for an exceptional image can be obtained from a variety of sources. Everything is a possible alibi for photography. Everything down to the smallest detail is a building block for the decor that surrounds us. For Jonas there is nothing more exciting than changing the everyday to almost surreal levels. Meaningless objects can pass us by at any moment and gather enough brilliance to catch the eye.

Jonas is known for using other tools besides his camera. His "Assembles" are created using a simple flatbed scanner. Who ever said you need an expensive camera for photography was wrong. During this workshop he will walk you through his process and guide you to experiment with this medium yourself.