

BOLEX 16mm fun



  • prijs 16-30 jaar
    € 10

  • prijs 30+
    € 13

  • UiTPAS kansentarief
    € 3

zaterdag 9 september 2023 12:00 - 15:00

Workshop by broei.lab


- September 9th

- 12PM - 3PM

- 10 € / 0€ for broei.lab members

- apply:


It's quite simple:

We rented a Bolex H16 SBM 16mm and some prime lenses for the day and got three rolls of 16mm film.
16mm is very expensive as you might know... It can be quite intimidating to work with something so fragile and expensive as a young creative. This is a good opportunity to explore the medium a bit. Let's figure out together how this beautiful film camera works and try to shoot some images.

We have 9 minutes to shoot, so let's make a little broei.lab commercial!

BOLEX 16mm fun