

Negabsence - contemporary dance performance

  • prijs 16-30 jaar
    € 7.5

  • prijs 30+
    € 12.5

  • UiTPAS kansentarief
    € 2

zaterdag 9 september 2023 - zaterdag 27 juli 2024 20:00 - 20:45

▪︎ Negabsence is een hedendaagse dansvoorstelling waarin drie personages hun persoonlijk verhaal vertellen en zo hun omgeving vormgeven. Het gemis van mensen, plaatsen en momenten ontrafelt en vormt hun zijn. Sporen van hun leven roepen een gevoel van leegte op, terwijl het hart van Negabsence ligt in de ononderbroken flow van beweging en transformatie.

▪︎ Negabsence is a contemporary dance performance where three characters mould their surroundings through recounting their personal stories. The missing of people, places, and moments unravel and shape their being. Traces of their histories evoke a sense of emptiness while the heart of Negabsence lies in the unbroken flow of motion and transformation.

By Arianna Berton, Giulia Di Stefano and Lies Lambrecht.

Together they form Midline-collective. Midline collective is a group of three dancers who decided to compose, create and dance together after graduating from SEAD (Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance). What connects them is the same movement language, knowledge and background. The love of sincere expression.

With the support of Danspunt, in the context of CODE DANCE.

▪︎ The performance on 9 September is part of Festival Funk the System.

Duration: 45 minutes

Special thanks to Danspunt & Passerelle vzw & Tijen Lawton.

Coach: Tijen Lawton
Photographer: Rudy Carlier

Danspunt (BE)
Passerelle vzw (BE)
Toihaus Theater Salzburg (AU)
CircusTrainingsCentrum Salzburg (AU)
Tendance Festival (IT)
CAMPO Kunstencentrum (BE)
Patchwork Dansfestival (BE)
Tersicorea (IT)
Pianeta Danza by Grazia La Naia (IT)

Negabsence - contemporary dance performance